Muhammad’s CT 2 WK 9 20/9/2024 T 3

Sup blogger

In this blog post we are doing our school garden for a 2nd create task 2 about drawing our own garden for our 2nd create task and we could  either do it on google drawing or on paper but I did it on paper and draw it and now I toke a photo of It on putting it on my post and I have finished CT 2 now I’m putting it up on my blog this is the best I could draw on paper I’m putting it here now hopefully you like it because its my the best I could so far here it is goodbye bloggers see y’all in another blog post Bye bloggers

Muhammad’s CT 1 WK 9 T3 17/9/2024

Sup bloggers

in this wk CTS we had got a new book called our gifted garden that is our book that I read and in our CT one we have to do about a flow chart and write the information we had read about it and there are six facts box’s it fill up with our information after that we blog it and I have finished my CT 1 and now I’m putting it on my blog post and it not that much information then I will put it here hopefully you learn something I putted here now bye bloggers see y’all in another blog post Bye.

Muhammad’s CT 1 Wk 8 TERM 3 12/9/2024

Sup bloggers

in this blog post we have done a new book called figure skating also figure skating is a sport and it is a winter Olympic sport that has singles and doubles in figure skating and there are some amazing studs and tricks and the ice on figure skating is slippery and and need a lot of practice to became a master at it and I needed to it in a flow chart and there are 6 facts box’s that we need to fill up and I have finished all my facts and now I’m blogging and here it is hopefully you learn some facts about it here it is goodbye bloggers.

Muhammad Dynamites CT week 7 3/9/2024

Sup bloggers

in our create task we have to do a flow chart and there are 6 facts boxes and the book we read about this biathlon and it is our book for the week and this is a sport and it is a fun book to learn a out and we in our ct we need to fill the flow chart with the info the we readed from the book to filled it up then on fact number 6 we have to tell what we learn/good fact and this sport is skating with a musket and we have to shoot the targets with the musket and if they miss the target they have to it the lap again/time gets added to there lap and now I filled it up the flow chart here it is hopfully you learn something about biathlon here it is bye bloggers.


Muhammad taskbored PB4L T3 29/8/2024

Sup Bloggers

I have been doing the taskbored this week and I have blog inquiry and math now I I’m blogging the PB4L tasbored and we have to do These 3 choices to do and one is tell why cones are here two drive safe around wirgam and three cross safe and I did cross safely and did it in a poster instead and i filled it up and here it is my poster hopefully you learn something bye bloggers!!

Muhammad math taskbored T3 28/8/2024

Sup bloggers  r

in this blog post we have to do a taskbored with all the task on it and we have to finish the must do and if we finish our must do we can go into our can do and I have finished inquiry and now I have finished the math taskbored and if you don’t know what the Math taskbored it about 4 people go on vaction and you have 10k dollars do spend on your holiday and at the end of the slideshow they have to put the number of how many money you spended on each slideshow at you put the total of how much you spend for your holiday I spended 3900 coins and I have did it here it is hopefully you like my holiday plan here it is bye bloggers see y’all in another blog post Bye!!!

Muhammad inquiry task athlete pic 28/8/2024

Sup bloggers in today;s inquiry task this is about the Athlete pic in our inquiry and we have to fill up the sideshows and do and sports and I did rowing because  it looks hard to do and it needs a lot of people to do it and you can do it in different type of size of the rowing boat there are singles doubles and a team of people in Rowing there are some rules that you have to follow if you the rules if you don’t you could get to the start and do it again or get out of the team and I did all the slideshow and there it is hopefully you like it bloggers goodbye bloggers.

Muhammad CT 1 Must do T3 22/8/2024

Sup bloggers we are doing about this story about hooked on hockey and it is this kid that plays hockey and he can’t sleep on Saturdays because he has hockey on Saturdays and on our Must do/Create task to do it on a story map and we have to put or fill up the story map and put the info that we read the book and blog it in our blog post and I have done it filled it up and stuff here it is hopefully you learn stuff about hockey its now here see ya’ll in another post Bye.

Muhammad’s CT 1 Math task 15/8/2024 T3

hello bloggers in today’s blog post this is about math we have to choices to do our math create one is math our own bedroom or make our kitchen rules and I did the bedroom and we have to put stuff in it and we have to know how much the it cost and the total and my one is in here and hope you like it here it is goodbye bloggers see y’all in another blog post here it is Bye.

Muhammad’s inquiry paralympic T3 15/8/2024

What’s good bloggers we are doing about this Paralympic person called Adam Deans if you don’t know him his is a Paralympic Baskatball player that if you want to know how he became a Paralympic in 2005 Adam Deans fell down stairs in his house and got his leg removed up to his knee and his has been playing wheelchair basketball player cuz he could’nt play his olypmic sport so he played wheelchair basketball to have fun and I have done it in a poster i hope you learn something about Adam Dean here it is BYE BLOGGERS!!!!